Monday, October 29, 2012

Teacher toolbox!

Happy Monday!
This weekend, I FINALLY got around to finishing a project I  began back in May.  Last year, I discovered the dangerous world of Pinterest.  Since then, I've expanded my project to-do list about a mile with all of the fantastic ideas on the site that I want to use in my classroom.  Pinterest is a teaching gold-mine!  I will have many more posts to share of projects I've done, inspired by Pinterest finds - you can count on that!

Earlier this year, I came across the teacher toolbox.  Teachers are supply connoisseurs and in need of a space to keep all of those office odds'n'ends.... and keep them ORGANIZED.  Easier said than done, right?  Well, I decided to take on the project myself.  I found the perfect sized utility organizer at my local hardware store (Lowe's, Home Depot, Menards, etc.)  Surprisingly, it was very inexpensive - around $15.  I hopped over to my usual stomping grounds (aka Michael's) and found some cute paper to go with it, and a large jar of Modge Podge.
That was earlier this year.  Yes, I procrastinated.  However, I sat down this weekend and took some much needed time for therapy - which, in my terms, is doing crafty projects.  I put a lot of thought into what I wanted each drawer to contain, and printed out the labels.  I matted the labels and glued them on to cute paper.  A little embellishing (thank you Cricut machine!) and a lot of Modge Podge later......  Ta-da!

The finished product!  The color scheme might seem a little boring at first, but I thought it was practical.  I want to be able to use the toolbox for many years, and didn't want to limit myself to a certain color scheme.  I also glued fun shapes on the sides of the toolbox.  A tip I have if you choose to do this, is to also put paper on the back of each drawer!  If the back is exposed on your desk, it will still look cute, and may detract any curious fingers.  This project is so practical and SO USEFUL!  I intend to keep this toolbox to myself and not allow students to access it, but it could work either way.
Pinterest has been a blessing and a curse.  I LOVE all of the wonderful ideas I find, but wish I had more time to complete all of the projects!  I'm already excited for my next craft.  Hopefully this just might inspire you to get in gear and do a project or two.
:)  Emily

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