Sunday, September 20, 2015

Wiping off the Dust

Earth to Emily! 

Surprise!  It's me, Emily, and I'm still here!  It has been over a year since I have written a single word in a blog post.  About time, right?  Let's face it, being a teacher is time consuming, especially when you are a "yes person" like me and agree to take on a multitude of other responsibilities outside of your everyday teaching.  You're probably rolling your eyes thinking about it.  Yes, I am still a young teacher wanting to help out in every way that I can.  But I've also become realistic, and have finally decided to slow down... a little.

Beyond the lesson planning, grading, reflecting, club advising, technology coaching, and daily mothering that I do at school, I decided to take the plunge and go back to school to earn my masters in educational technology.  I'm still asking myself, "Are you NUTS?!".  However, there are several great reasons that led me to make the decision.  For one, I am lucky enough to be in a district that has implemented a positive teacher compensation model that will pay off in the long run.  Secondly, I have the minimal yet rewarding responsibility for caring for my sole child - a cute and cuddly cat - so I have the ability to pick and manage my time in a way that only affects me.  Finally, I value education and bettering myself as an educator, no matter how time consuming, painful, or *expensive* it might be.  My degree will be in educational technology, and what's more relevant in today's 21st century than a degree in that field?  

So, what's new?

1. I am still teaching middle school science and enjoying every whacky, outrageous moment.  I'm moving towards adopting the Next Generation Science Standards and am learning along the way.  Also, I'm still posting away to my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  (Hint hint - check it out!)
2. I have taken a new approach to this school year and am embracing the chaos.  I'm letting go of the things I cannot control and learning to embrace the tweeny, hormonal chaos with more clarity and calmness. As my dad would say, "it is what it is," just go with it. 

3. I am now the proud mom of 150 students this year.  Wow.  That's a record for me.  I have a colorful combination of tweens who frustrate, excite, annoy, inspire, disappoint, thrill, shock, and surprise me every single day.  And... I wouldn't change that for the world.  

What's next?

It is my hope that I can ease myself back into blogging more often, and with a purpose.  I am a lot of things - silly, loyal, work-obsessed, sassy - but one of my favorite things to be is inspired.  To me, there is nothing more inspiring than a classroom.  So with that, I will pick up a dust mop and wipe off the dust of this blog and return it to it's original glory.

It feels good to be back.  Thanks for sticking around,

Emily :)