Sunday, October 20, 2013

Bulletin Boards on a Mega-Scale!

You know you're a teacher when... get excited about decorating a bulletin board.

Yes, decorating and filling bulletin boards can be fun.  Especially when you've got useful information you want posted in your room.  With my new classroom, I was giddy about having a blank slate with my boards....

Until I saw them.  I failed to realize that some bulletin boards can be of monstrous size, becoming more of a pain in the you-know-what than a fun way to spend an afternoon.  They say good things come in threes.  However, when they are giant, 8 foot bulletin boards, maybe not so much.

Don't get me wrong, I am thankful I've got such a spacious room that can hold bulletin boards of these size, but it's hard to keep them filled and not over-stimulating at the same time.  

My solution was this: put things on the bulletin boards that are useful, clear, and long-term.  I wanted to decrease the necessity to re-do them all the time.

Here's what they looked like at the beginning of the year.  They are now entirely filled with information they have learned since the year began.

I have a content-related bulletin board, a class expectation board, and my favorite - an inspiration board.  I rarely find a poster that has just the right amount of information on them, so I spent a lot of time this summer making my own.  I never said I had much of a life outside of school! :) 

I'm a firm believer in positive messages and the power they can have in your classroom.  I filled the inspiration board with some of my favorite quotes that cover a multitude of feelings that my middle schoolers might have.  Most of them are by famous figures that my students would recognize - Katniss Everdeen, Roald Dahl, Albert Einstein, Peter Pan, Albus Dumbledore, etc.  I love it!

Although my complaining was unnecessary and exaggerated, I truthfully did enjoy creating the boards this summer.  The great thing about these boards are that I CAN change them IF I need to.  

Be inspired, people!

Emily :)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Freshen Up a Little!

Looking to freshen up your room?  Here is a SIMPLE trick!  If you've got bulletin boards or picture frames that are dull and boring, add a trimmer to them!

I have a large, plain  bulletin board hanging near my desk and it stuck out like a sore thumb.  Here is what I started with:

All I did was dig out some black trimmers (also called bulletin boarders) and used some double-stick tape to adhere them to the bulletin board.  You could also paint them, but the trimmers were much more time efficient and totally mess-free.

Just like that, it looks a thousand times better!  Here is the result:

Has a better vibe and makes it appear as though it belonged there.  All that was left to do was to fill the board.  Right now I'm using it as a quick-reference spot for schedules, notes, and reminders.  In addition, it's also a motivation wall where I've put up my favorite quotes, photos, and objects.

Happy trimming!

Emily :)